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R 25,000

Vacant land Property for Sale

Limpopo -
Updated: 49d ago

VACANT LAND AND STANDS FOR SALE IN GIYANI (LIMPOPO PROVINCE) | R25’000.00 | Show (0842414624) Show Show 0782715031" id="advertDetailDescriptionSudoNumberCall2" class="d-none"> Show 0782715031 Show (0733979173) | KHOSA FAMILY LAND: - THE SALE OF PORTIONS OF LAND OF THE KHOSA FAMILY (KHOSA FAMILY LAND) - Vacant Land and Stands are available for Sale in Giyani (Limpopo Province): The Stands are located in Mahlangule Area near Risinga View and Florida Estate in Giyani; The Location of the Land is about 5 Kilometers from Giyani CBD; The Size of the Stands are 900 square metres (30mx30m); and the Sale Prices are from Twenty Five Thousand Rands (R25’000.00) per Stand; Both Residential and Business Sites are available; and the Land is unserviced and undeveloped. (Main Contact Number) Show 0842414624 (Tatana) Emson Zitha Show Show 0782715031" id="advertDetailDescriptionSudoNumberCall2" class="d-none"> Show 0782715031 (Tatana) Nyiko Ntlhamu Show 0733979173 Business Email Address: - JOHN MHUNTI GROUP - (KHOSA FAMILY LAND)

Id: 6742068
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